The EX Factor

March 15, 2009 at 8:45 am (dating) (, , )

I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she was telling me about this guy she started seeing. She told me that at times he brings up his ex. It didn’t really bother her to much until he brought up The EX in bed. It happened to me once, this guy I was seeing brought up his EX and told me I was better. Is that supposed to be a compliment?

Message to all guys out there: NEVER, EVER BRING UP THE EX WHILE YOU ARE IN BED WITH SOMEONE NEW. That is the quickest way for a woman to get turned off. You guys don’t like it when we bring up an EX. so don’t do the same to us.
The fastest way to make a girl run from you is say to her, “My EX didn’t do it that way.” If you are comparing the new person you are dating to your EX, you shouldn’t be dating. It is obvious that you are not over your EX and need more time to grieve the relationship. It also tells us that you might still be talking to your EX or still in love with her. If this is the case you shouldn’t be jumping into a new relationship.

Take some time to get over that relationship, because if you don’t you are going to scare away a really great woman.

1 Comment

  1. zimchic said,

    That is just hilarious!! Scary stuff- I wouldnt even bother to reclothe myself- I would just start running

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