Dating Begins

December 30, 2008 at 10:07 pm (Uncategorized) (, , , , )

Dear LJ,

I know this is a little Felicity of me, (remember that show you used to watch religiously in the 90’s and continue to Netflix today), but I thought it might help in telling about my dating life. Yes it has been pretty quiet lately. I just haven’t felt like going out. Remember I was married and my husband, David, decided to move back to Australia and not take me with. Now I am here as a plus size girl trying to date in the size 2 town of Los Angeles. Besides it has only been a few weeks since David left. Give a girl time to grieve.

No I am not pulling a Bridget Jones crashing on my couch eating ice cream and listening to sad sappy songs. I just haven’t felt like leaving the house except to go to work. My only true friend in LA, Alisa, decided to change that last night. She came over made me look fabulous on the outside and took me out to Fox & Hound, the english bar in Studio City we usually go to. Normally I don’t mind going there with her because I had someone to go home to. Now I feel a bit insecure going with her because as we both know she gets hit on when we go to Coffee Bean on Saturday morning wearing her sweats.

When we walked in there was a group of about six guys over by the dart board eyeing up every girl that walked in the door. Right away they noticed Alisa. We managed to squeeze our way through the crowd to the bar where our favorite bartender, Sam greeted us with a smile and poured our favorite drink, vodka and cranberry.

Throughout the night I felt these eyes on me and when I looked around I noticed this guy with dark black hair and tan body looking at me. He didn’t say anything, just kept smiling. At first I thought he was looking at Alisa but when she turned around to look at him he didn’t smile or even give her a second look.

Alisa and I stayed until around 1am. We decided to get out of there before the guys who haven’t found a girl to go home with decided to try to take us home. We said goodbye to Sam and walked out to our car parked on the street. As I was about to get into my car, this guy yelled out to me. It was the guy that was smiling at me all night in the bar.

“Hey there”

Don’t worry LJ I will tell you more tomorrow.


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Another one gets engaged

December 27, 2008 at 5:54 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

Christmas Night one of my good friends called me to let me know she just got engaged. I am very excited for her because the man who is now her fiance is very sweet and good to her.
It got me thinking though, in the past two years I have had 8 friends get married, two of which are expecting their first child, one friend move in with her boyfriend and two get engaged. I am happy for all of them because they are are my very close friends but it gets me thinking, when is it my turn. I have been out on dates, some good and some bad, but lately mostly bad. I put myself out there and it ends up not turning into anything. I don’t get down about it and go out when I can. Friends and my mom tell me that it will happen when it is supposed to. I keep the hope out there my friend is right, “You will be the next one to get married”

Who knows maybe 2009 will be my year.

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Apartment Rennovation

December 24, 2008 at 7:04 pm (Uncategorized)

Sunday morning after my workout I went down to the garage to see if the cars parked in our spots had moved. The black BMW had moved but the blue (what i thought was a mazda) acura was still there. Seriously did I need to put a note on both cars? So on my way to work I did just that, put a note on the Blue car “Seriously find a new place to park or you will be towed”. And what do you know when I got home from work the car was gone. Always threaten towing and people will move.

Sunday as I was going to walk through the lobby to my car parked on the street I was stopped. The management in our building decided three months ago to remodel the lobby. Yes this project has been going on that long. They have made the office three times the size it was, removing the couch and chairs they had for us to chill on. Well this week they decided to retile the lobby. Not exactly the brightest thing to do the week of Christmas.

Friday night the mailboxes were off limits, Sunday morning the space from the elevator to the front door were and last night we weren’t even allowed to go in the lobby at all including the gym. Okay I have started my workout plan and that includes working out at least 5 times a week, so I haven’t worked out for three days now. And who was the idiot that thought retiling the lobby the week of Christmas was a good idea? Our building has at least 100 units in it. Not everyone goes away for the holidays. A lot of my neighbors have people come over for the holidays. I know I have guests coming over. That lobby better be done today because I am not telling my guests to walk through the garage to get to the elevator.

Everyone have a safe and Happy Holiday!!

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Slightly Annoyed

December 21, 2008 at 10:29 am (Uncategorized) (, , , )

Friday night as I was driving home from a long day of retail, my car quit. She got bitchy and decided she was done. I was able to pull into a gas station into a safe spot. At first I thought it was just the oil and put more oil in the car. After she was filled. I started her up and drove down the street further, until she quit again. I called my parents freaking out because my roommate was out of town as well as a few close guy friends. I had to leave the car at the gas station and cab it back to the apartment. Saturday morning I had to take a cab back to the gas station, get a tow truck to take my car to my awesome mechanic, get a ride to work and work all day dealing with frantic last minute holiday shoppers.

Yeah not a fun day at all. I had to get a ride back to my car after a very busy day of helping customers find the right gift. I was tired and just wanted to get home and rest. I stopped quick at the grocery store, headed home and pulled into the garage at the apartment building. As I was driving to the tandem parking spaces my roommate and I have, I noticed two cars parked there, a black BMW and a blue Mazda. At first I thought I was just tired and that wasn’t our spots, so I parked my car in a different spot and started looking around. In front of the blue car there were boxes my roommate has left there and the number on the garage floor is 35, the same number we have had for the last two years of living here.

Being pissed because I was going to have to park on the street, even though I have lived in the same building, had the same apartment number and also parking spot for the past two years, I left a love note on the beamer. I wasn’t to mean “Find a new place to park or you will be towed.” I don’t think that is to mean. These people probably thought because there were no cars there on Friday night and again most of the night Saturday night, they could park there. I also left a nasty voicemail for our manager, pretty much accusing her of giving our spots away.

It was probably new people that moved in and figured they could park anywhere. If that is the case, they are not making friends with their neighbors.

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Slightly Annoyed

December 21, 2008 at 10:29 am (Uncategorized) (, , , )

Friday night as I was driving home from a long day of retail, my car quit. She got bitchy and decided she was done. I was able to pull into a gas station into a safe spot. At first I thought it was just the oil and put more oil in the car. After she was filled. I started her up and drove down the street further, until she quit again. I called my parents freaking out because my roommate was out of town as well as a few close guy friends. I had to leave the car at the gas station and cab it back to the apartment. Saturday morning I had to take a cab back to the gas station, get a tow truck to take my car to my awesome mechanic, get a ride to work and work all day dealing with frantic last minute holiday shoppers.

Yeah not a fun day at all. I had to get a ride back to my car after a very busy day of helping customers find the right gift. I was tired and just wanted to get home and rest. I stopped quick at the grocery store, headed home and pulled into the garage at the apartment building. As I was driving to the tandem parking spaces my roommate and I have, I noticed two cars parked there, a black BMW and a blue Mazda. At first I thought I was just tired and that wasn’t our spots, so I parked my car in a different spot and started looking around. In front of the blue car there were boxes my roommate has left there and the number on the garage floor is 35, the same number we have had for the last two years of living here.

Being pissed because I was going to have to park on the street, even though I have lived in the same building, had the same apartment number and also parking spot for the past two years, I left a love note on the beamer. I wasn’t to mean “Find a new place to park or you will be towed.” I don’t think that is to mean. These people probably thought because there were no cars there on Friday night and again most of the night Saturday night, they could park there. I also left a nasty voicemail for our manager, pretty much accusing her of giving our spots away.

It was probably new people that moved in and figured they could park anywhere. If that is the case, they are not making friends with their neighbors.

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Snow in California?

December 19, 2008 at 6:27 pm (Uncategorized)

Northern California is used to snow flurries in the Winter but Southern California is not. Us Southern Cali people can barely drive through rain. It rained in Los Angeles on Wednesday and everyone was driving as slow as they could for fear of an accident. In parts of Southern California, about 20 minutes from where I live they saw snow and freeways were closed. Many people were stranded most of the night because of street closures. If I was back in Wisconsin and snow had covered the streets I would have just had to drive slower through it to make it where I need to go and the plows would be out trying to make my drive safer.

Yes I do miss the snow in winter, especially around the holidays but the Midwest can keep their snow. I am a Cali girl now and I want to swim in my pool this Christmas like I did two years ago 😦

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Snow in California?

December 19, 2008 at 6:27 pm (Uncategorized) (, , )

Northern California is used to snow flurries in the Winter but Southern California is not. Us Southern Cali people can barely drive through rain. It rained in Los Angeles on Wednesday and everyone was driving as slow as they could for fear of an accident. In parts of Southern California, about 20 minutes from where I live they saw snow and freeways were closed. Many people were stranded most of the night because of street closures. If I was back in Wisconsin and snow had covered the streets I would have just had to drive slower through it to make it where I need to go and the plows would be out trying to make my drive safer.

Yes I do miss the snow in winter, especially around the holidays but the Midwest can keep their snow. I am a Cali girl now and I want to swim in my pool this Christmas like I did two years ago 😦

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Porn can ruin your life?

December 11, 2008 at 12:42 am (Uncategorized) (, )

Last night I was watching Law & Order SVU. The case was a guy who raped women. Once they were finally able to arrest him and take him to trial, his attorney said “My client is pleading Not Guilty because of mental illness caused by pornography.” The man being charged said “Porn ruined my life.” Really that is your defense? He claimed it was watching all the porn movies that made him rape. It was something that got him off.

Then the DA showed the video he took of him raping this woman and he was getting turned on by the video in the court room. How disgusting.

In the end he was sentenced to 25 years for raping three women. When the women faced him he said they enjoyed it and he is the best they will ever have.

I hope no woman ever thinks that type of guy is good for them. It just blows my mind that there are guys out there that think that is okay. It is something they find enjoyable and think women enjoy.

It isn’t and no porn cannot ruin your life

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Was it not obvious?

December 7, 2008 at 9:19 pm (Uncategorized)

Last night 2 couples walked into the store at 5 minutes to closing.  Yes we were anxious to leave but we had to let them look.  One of the guys went to one of the walls and pulled out every shoe individually and looked at each one. He did that all down the wall. The other guy asked prices on couple of things but that was at. None of them asked for a size in anything.

At 8 my employee closed the door and pulled the front gate. You would think that was a hint we were closing. But no they continued to look and the guy that was looking at every shoe in store continued.

The two couples didn’t realize we were closing until 10 minutes after when two kids walked in and we told them we were closed.

Really was it not obvious by the closed door, the gate that was pulled, the radio turned off and the back lights turned off? And no they didn’t try on or buy anything.

To quote one of my favorite authors, Jen Lancaster “Asshats”

Also check out my latest article on

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Heidi and Spencer Not Married?

December 5, 2008 at 12:23 am (Uncategorized)

Yesterday it was announced that Heidi and Spencer were actually not married a couple of weeks ago. They said it was all a PR stunt to take the thunder away from Lauren Conrad and hopefully get their own reality show.

Really is anyone surprised? I know I wasn’t. TMZ broke the story, (Yes I do watch TMZ at night. I watch my local and world news in the morning.), after it happened. They reported that only photogs were invited to their ceremony. Heidi’s dad even said he didn’t know about the nupitals. Really she didn’t tell her own dad she was getting married? I would like to think that Heidi is the type of girl that would want her dad to walk her down the aisle. And yes it is a little strange they only invited photographers. US Weekly magazine jumped on the story because it is a big deal. Spencer did defend the recent wedding ceremony on KIIS FM with Ryan Secrest this morning saying the ceremony was very real. It has come out that the ceremony was not legal and it was a something done on a whim. But it is also going to be filmed for an episode of THE HILLS.

You have to hand it to both of them, they are not stupid like most people think. They are actually very smart business people. They have figured out a way to get paid over six figures for doing almost nothing. They know when to get their names out there in the public eye and milk it all they can. If only all of us could make money doing the same.

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