The games Men play

May 31, 2011 at 9:00 am (dating, entertainment) (, , , , )

Like I said last week, I always tell myself I won’t watch the Bachelorette but somehow I always get sucked in.

The main reason why I am sucked in like a lot of women across the U.S., is the whole situation with Bentley. The fact that the producers allowed him stay on the show even with those on camera confessionals Bentley gave after his time with Ashley, just pisses me off even more.

They allow a guy who admitted he hoped the Bachelorette would be Emily and that he has no feelings for Ashley to stay on the show, knowing that Ashley was heartbroken last season and will be again. Now I get that these reality shows are edited for the drama and craziness factor. I have friends in the entertainment industry and well it is really no secret. But seriously why mess with a girl’s emotions like that. (Side note-Just found this blog post by Chris Harrison about how he warned Ashley about this guy and they almost shut down production because of what happens next week.)

The thing that bugs me even more is the fact that Ashley said she can tell when someone is being sincere and someone isn’t and thinks Bentley is being sincere. I just want to shake her and tell her “He isn’t. The reasons you heard why he is on this show are true”. But she got sucked in by his charms and well she thinks he is cute (which personally I don’t think he is cute at all). I guess from my experience I could tell that Bentley is a game player. Must be part of the reason him and his ex got a divorce.

He admitted in Monday night’s episode that he is very competitive and is just playing the game. There are seriously guys out there like him. They play these games on women and think they are big studs. Like any woman should be lucky to have him. The woman gets so sucked into it she starts believing everything the guy says and some where down the road her heart gets broken. Just like the promos have been.

Just like I was four years ago. I met someone who charmed me and I fell for it. During our relationship the charm eventually left, I found out he wasn’t the nicest guy and he also cheated on me. It broke my heart and I am still pretty guarded especially when a guy is really nice.

These guys have no regard for other people or their feelings. All they care about is themself and just play the numbers game. These guys think they are god’s gift to women. These are guys who eventually end up alone and realize when it is to late (if they ever do) that they messed up.

I can’t even imagine what Ashley is thinking or feeling as she watching this season. She must feel very betrayed not only by Bentley but I would think by the producers as well. I know I would be. Bentley is just on the show to have fun and boost his business. I wonder if Bentley is even dating anyone now and if he is, is this girl still around?

And yes, I will be watching next week to find out what happens.

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Another interesting season

May 24, 2011 at 8:50 pm (dating, entertainment) (, , , , , )

Since it has been pretty quiet with me lately, I haven’t had anything fun and interesting to write about. Well I did see M before he left. When I told him I had no car (I haven’t seen him since the day before my goldie died), he offered to come closer to me for lunch, but well there isn’t anywhere to interesting by me. So we met at our usual place, he kept telling me how pretty I looked and made sure I had everything I needed to spend the night in the room. He also told me that he missed me. I know he enjoys seeing me but that was the first time in a long time he has said that to me. So naturally it threw me a little.

Then there as last week when I was having a bad day and JS came by, made me a drink, gave me several big hugs, and hung out for a bit. It was very sweet and appreciated. But now he is gone for a week.

So I was left to my own devices on a Monday night and decided to indulge in some reality tv, more specifically the new season of The Bachelorette. Normally I don’t watch it when it airs. I will sometimes watch it on Hulu and even check out Reality Steve’s blog to find out about the craziness. But this one intrigued me. I didn’t really watch to much of last season’s Bachelor, mostly because I think it was dumb to bring back Brad and it was too entertaining. So I am not to familiar with Ashley who is the Bachelorette.  I wasn’t sure I was going to watch but the way ABC has been setting up the season with the promos, I thought why not?

In the few pre interviews of the guys they show at the beginning of the show, there was one guy Bentley that made me wonder how he even got on the show in the first place. His story is he was married, now divorced for two years, has a young daughter and his own business. He even said in his on camera interview, “I am looking to have fun and I hope the bachelorette is Emily.” He also said, “I have a great job, great life and have a lot of things most people don’t. The Bachelorette will have a hard time sending me home without a rose”. I understand about being confident but this guy was a little too cocky. Also the fact that he said he is looking to have fun and hopes it is Emily. HOW DID THIS GUY EVER GET CAST?

Then when Ashley tells Chris Harrison that she got a call from a friend of hers ( a former Bachelor contestant) that she heard Bentley is there only to promote his business. Chris Harrison acted surprised and asked Ashley how she felt about it. Ashley said she hopes that Bentley isn’t good looking and tells her the truth.

Okay this girl is really dilusional. If he is there to promote his business, he is not going to tell you. Of course he is going to tell you he is there for love. Did she not see his lack of direct eye contact or body language when she was talking to him. And I’m sorry he isn’t that great looking. Why did she keep him around?

I do agree with her on one of the guys, J.P. He is very hot and sweet.

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Guys have self esteem issues too

May 10, 2011 at 9:00 am (dating, life) (, , , )

“I spent the afternoon thinking about my friends. Body image depression, unpredictable mood swings, late night phone calls obsessing about a relationship. Did I mention these are my male friends?”- Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City

This quote by Carrie Bradshaw explains my guy friends. Don’t get me wrong I love them to death. They take good care of me. Like other day when I saw M. We went out for an early Cinco de Mayo celebration, our favorite holiday. He knew I would have to take the bus home so he said I could stay at the hotel and set me up with water, got me the wifi information so I could work and was a little upset that the restaurant didn’t give us plastic silverware with the leftovers so I could eat them for dinner.

The day my car died RC picked me up from my mechanic and even took me to dinner. JB listens and gives me advice when I am having guy problems. JS even bought dinner when we saw each other a couple of days after my car died and has been giving me advice for when I decide to buy another car.

But they all have moments of self esteem issues, some more than the others. They feel like they aren’t attractive, the girls don’t like them and that their career isn’t going they way it should be. I am there to remind them about how much they have accomplished and that girls do like them.

Ladies just remember that guys have self esteem issues too.

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Happy Mothers Day

May 8, 2011 at 7:53 pm (life) (, , , )

Today is the day we celebrate Mothers everywhere. Flowers are on sale, restaurants do special buffets and girls are in their Sunday best.

I have been fortunate to have an amazing mother who has supported me in everything I do. When I told her I was moving to California in 2004 she took the news a little hard but she knew it was something I had to do. Since moving here she has calmed me down when I call her crying and it is 2am in Wisconsin. She has supported me when I am having a tough time and we talk to each other every day. When people ask her if it is tough having a daughter living so far away she tells them, “I always knew she wouldn’t stay in Wisconsin, she was always my little traveler. I just didn’t think it would be California but thank god for cell phones.”

All of the mothers in my life are amazing and extroadanry women. My grandmother lost her husband, my mother’s dad, when my mom was only 9 years old. She had 4 girls under the age of 11. She raised them on her own for many years until she met my grandfather, my mom’s stepdad. My grandmother is a very strong woman and raised her girls to be the same. My aunts and my mom have all been through a lot and have come out even stronger. I have lost 2 of my aunts but they fought every step of the way.  I also have 2 nieces that are mothers, yes I am a great aunt. Even though they were under the age of 20 when they had their daughters they work hard, continue their education and are always there for their daughter.

So Happy Mothers Day to all of the mothers out there.

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