The Drama

May 31, 2010 at 9:10 am (dating, life) (, , , )

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Some guys seem to love the drama.

One of my new fav bloggers, SD Single Girl put it best recently, “Finding a girl with major issues can make a man feel needed and for the “rescuer” types though every other day they want to kill each other, they will stick around because they feel needed, and fighting and going through drama makes it all feel normal for them.”

It is true. The Italian loved the drama. He stayed with a girl that was complete drama and he knew it.

Then there is the ex. I recently met up with him to catch up. We had stayed in touch over the past few years but also haven’t seen each other in that long. There was nothing going on just two old friends catching up. And trust me nothing was going to happen because when he opened the door, any attraction that might have been there was immediately gone.

While we were sitting there he was getting text messages from his girlfriend, who he told me had almost the minute we sat down at the table, just to make sure there was no confusion of what was going to happen, Really?

So in the short amount of time we were at this bar, 1 hour, they were texting and she was freaking out. And he did show me one of them. I honestly don’t know what he told her before he left for the night of if he even told her he was going out for the night but she was PISSED.

Then he told me he is getting to old for this drama. But he decided he should have her meet him at his place and he should go home and deal with it all. Which I agreed was the best decision. He did ask if I wanted to meet her so that she would know nothing was happening and I said no because it would make things ten times worse and wouldn’t matter that we were just old friends who did business together, she has her own ideas in her head of what was happening.

The next day I emailed him to make sure everything was okay and he said there was drama he is going to lay low and that I shouldn’t email or text him and would tell me the story another time.

So even though he said he doesn’t want the drama, he actually does because he is choosing to stay with her. Obviously since they have been together a little over a year he wants to make it work but when he was talking to me he sounded like he was over it all.

But some guys love the drama

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The Lights, The Glamour and of course The Shoes

May 27, 2010 at 11:06 am (life, random) (, , , , , , , , , )

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When the official date was announced for the new Sex and the City, my friend and I made plans to go to the midnight showing.  Since things have been tight for me lately, I wasn’t sure if I would still be able to go. But my friend being generous, surprised me and told me we were still going and I could pay her back later.  So we headed out to the 12:30am showing at one of my favorite theatres, The Arclight.

When we go there, many of the girls were dressed in their favorite fashions and of course shoes. My friend and I were just comfortable. We had thought about dressing up but hey it was the midnight showing. Some of the girls, well lets just say they pulled out all the stops. Sorry ladies, I didn’t see to many straight men there.

Since our showing was the last one of the night, or morning, it wasn’t to full which made it even better.

I did like the movie and of course the fashion, well most of it anyways. Some was a little crazy. I won’t say to much about the movie as I know most of you haven’t seen it yet, so I don’t want to spoil it, (though a certain female that makes a cameo looks AMAZING!)  I will say that like I told Michael Patrick King when I met him, “When I have writer’s block, I pop in one of the Sex and the City dvds and the inspiration comes to me.”  And after watching the movie tonight, it was no different.

I am off to work on the book. Enjoy the movie!

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Great Friends and Great Memories

May 21, 2010 at 8:58 pm (dating, life) (, , , , , , , , , , )

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My trips back to the Midwest are always eventful and I guess that is why I look forward to them. It gives me time to relax and recharge. I also get to hang out with family and friends. And when I am with the friends, it is always exciting. This trip was no different.

After I said bye to M for the summer, it was time for me to head to the airport. Once I got there I headed to the Sports Bar by my gate. I have always passed by it but never stopped, mostly because I fly so late it was never open. This time I stopped and the bartender there was very friendly and could make a good drink, so naturally I had two. Then once I got on the plane, I had a couple more. Of course I didn’t sleep as much as I had planned but I had a great time talking with new friends I had met. Once I got back I was able to go with my mom and brother to pick my nephew up from school. He was very excited to see me.

Since the crush was still gone and I just left we were emailing and texting each other. It was nice to have someone miss me and to be honest I missed him too.

The next few days were filled with wedding things (a good friend of mine was getting married and I was her personal attendant which was an honor.) The whole wedding weekend was amazing as I was able to catch up with old friend and meet new friends. And since my friends and I really know how to party, it was fun and exhausting, due to lack of sleep and well alcohol consumption. (See below for my drink count of my trip. I only drink that way when I am back home.) The rest of my trip was filled with hanging with the family. Oh and I saw twelve deer in a two mile radius not far from my parents house. Yes they moved to the backwoods where that is not an unusual site.

Then completely joking, I asked the crush to pick me up from the airport. I knew we were both excited to see each other so I thought why not. He then told me to send him my flight info. I still didn’t believe he was going to pick me up but that morning he texted me, “Excited to see you.” It threw me just like the “I miss you” message he sent me a week earlier. Don’t get me wrong, I loved hearing it, it was just he had never said anything like that before. It was very nice.

After a very long and scary plane ride, the turbulence was so bad there were people screaming, I was finally able to see the crush after not seeing him in almost 2 months. He still looked good. He dropped me off at home and we set up a time for the next night to go out. And it was a great night.

Since then there have been a couple of other things that have happened that are making me think more and more that something more is going to happen. I will keep you posted.

This video mostly because my friends and I danced to it at the wedding and I love this song so much.

Drink Count for trip

Tuesday- 2 Margaritas, 1 shot of Tequila (With M), 4 Bacardi and Diet (At the airport and on the plane)
Wednesday – None
Thursday- 2 $3 Margaritas (With the Bride to Be)
Friday- 1 Bad Martini, a few Vodka Cranberry, a couple of shots and 1 Beer (with the Bride to Be and the Bridal Party)
Saturday (The Wedding) – Multiple Vodka Cranberries, and lots of shots
Sunday – None unless you count the fact I was drinking after Midnight
Monday – 3 Vodka Cranberry, 1 Bacardi and Diet (Hanging with Dad)
Tuesday – 1 Patron Pomegrante Margarita (Out to Dinner with the fam before the lil brother and I went to see Iron Man 2)
Wednesday – 2 Tall Bacardi and Diet (With friends before heading to the airport)
Thursday – 3 Bacardi and Orange I think (night out with the crush and he was getting the drinks for me)

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The pull

May 5, 2010 at 1:39 am (dating) (, , , , , , , , )

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The crush left a month ago for his mini vacation and work. When he left I knew it was good for me. I was going to focus on other things and get him out of my head for a bit. I didn’t contact him at all until after a week of being gone he sent me a message saying he so wishes he was home. Since then we have been emailing and texting when he has time. Since I will be gone when he gets back, we made plans to see each other the day after I get back. He wanted to see me the night I get back but I get back to late. We have been emailing about random things and today he said something in an email that threw me, “I miss you”.

The reason it threw me was because I was seeing M today. It has been nice because M and I have been seeing each other every couple of weeks. The last time I saw him I wasn’t sure I would see him again before I left but it worked out that I did. We met up to do an early  Cinco de Mayo celebration (our favorite holiday), of margaritas and fajitas. We caught up on the last couple of weeks and he told me that he is leaving within in the week for location for the summer.  I am used to it as this has been the norm since we met over four years ago. Not sure why this year it is harder. Maybe it is because we have been seeing each other more often.

Or it could be the fact that the crush threw me that curve ball.

After M and I finished our lunch we went next door to get to get intimate with each other. When we started kissing and  getting intimate, which was amazing as usual, that scene from Sex and The City popped into my head. (The one where Carrie is having flashbacks of her first night of her affair with Big. I was Carrie and M was Big.)  After several minutes of amazing sex, we took a break by taking a nap. I was able to sleep for a bit but those words from the crush creeped their way back into my head, “I miss you” and I couldn’t get rid of it. Then M started taking advantage of my body again but those words were still in my head as hard as I tried to forget them. When M and I were both finished we laid there for a bit. I could tell something was on his mind but he said everything was fine. I felt like he could read my mind. I kept kissing his body and then he said he had to go because he had to take care of some last minute work things. I didn’t want him to leave because I knew it would be the last time for two months. I made sure I kissed and hugged him a lot before he left. He told me he would call me when he gets back at the end of the summer when his job here starts up again.

We kissed goodbye one last time and we both were off. On my drive home I had the worst feeling in my stomach, in fact it is still there as I write this. I know I am not cheating on the crush because we haven’t even had the discussion about being something more than friends, but the words, “I miss you”, makes me think it will happen once I get back.

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